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Orlando YAD

What is YAD?

This is the most common question we get. BLIA YAD stands for Buddha’s Light Int’l Association Young Adult Division. whew! That’s a mouthful, which is why we’re simply known as Orlando YAD. The young adult division consists of members between the ages of 18-35 ranging from college students, college graduates, working individuals, and even a few high school seniors.

Orlando BLIA YAD Goal


Our goal is to promote Buddhism through events and activities that induce education, volunteering, leadership, and friendship, and also to build a strong structure and example for future YAD members to follow.


Orlando BLIA YAD Outline


YAD Events : Will either be planned separately or dually with Guang Ming Temple BLIA Florida. To enhance leadership, organization and culture.


Community Service : One large Volunteer project will be done once every three months. Smaller volunteer projects will occur randomly. To promote Buddhist learning actively.


Membership Requirements: Age Requirement:


18-35 = Young Adult Division (YAD)
14-18 will be included in the Teen Division, overseen and guided by the Young Adult Division.


What we are looking for: Creativity, Diversity, Originality, Leadership, Volunteers. We’re not picky. If you’re interested we’ll be happy to have you!


How to Join? Email us at or join us any Sunday after service.


Our Mission:


Buddha’s Light International Association Orlando Young Adult Division (BLIA Orlando YAD) is to spread the teachings of Buddhism throughout the youth in the communities of Florida. Through various fun and educational events aimed at the current generation, Orlando YAD seeks to encourage the growth of future leaders, allowing the youth to learn through actions and lead by example. Our Principles:


Emphasize teachings of Humanistic Buddhism useful for daily life.
Show the immense benefits of loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity by giving people confidence, happiness, hope and convenience.


  • Promote the four goals of IBPS and BLIA in:

  • Fostering talent through education.

  • Spreading Buddhism through cultural activities.

  • Benefiting society through charitable programs.

  • Purifying hearts and minds through Buddhist practice.

  • Encourage exchange between different cultures and faiths with tolerance and respect.

  • Develop new generations of moral, wise and compassionate leaders of society.

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